Saturday 18 July 2015

Murder Room - Horror Android Games review ( and also walktrough )

Hello~! Karin-chan mau review lagi. Kali ini karin-chan akan mereview Horror games android. What is that? Sampai-sampai karin-chan buat review?

Welcomee, Murder Room
(warning, spoiler alert for some part)

Pernah main Ellie- Help Me Out , Please? Game ini (Murder Room) merupakan prodak dari ATEAM juga. Mereka memiliki ibu yang sama LOL. Jadi, cara bermain game ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan Ellie.

Di Murder Room, kita akan mencari petunjuk untuk mencari jalan keluar dari sebuah ruangan pembunuhan, dimana disana sedang terdapat seorang pembunuh bayaran yang dipanggil 'The Butcher'. Menurut karin-chan, game ini lebih bagus dari segi cerita, atmosfir dan puzzle jika dibandingkan dengan Ellie-Help Me Out, Please?. Kenapa??

Why Play Murder Room??

Kelebihan game ini :
1. Atmosfir game yang terkesan nyata
2. Musik yang sesuai dengan suasana dalam game x'D
3. Plot Twist membuat pemain heran
4. Game ini karin-chan rasa bisa membuat insting kita semakin tajam dan peka (terhadap game lol)
5. Kamu akan bertanya-tanya, "Who is the real 'The Butcher'?"Bahkan setelah kamu menyelesaikan main story game ini.
6. Kamu bisa mengetahui sejauh mana kamu telah bermain,karena presentasi menuju true end (main story true end 70% dan another story 100%) terlihat di main menu.

Rekomendasi karin-chan saat memainkan game ini ( juga disarankan oleh pihak ATEAM ) 

1. Mainkan game ini dengan pencahayaan full dari smartphone-mu , atau mainkan dengan lampu dimatikan supaya tambah seru >w<)b
Kenapa? Karena pencahayaan game ini, gelap banget @__@ pertama kali karin-chan main, sampai bingung soalnya layar hp gelap semua LOL

2. Mainkan game ini dengan headset atau headphone agar bisa mendengar efek suara-suara dalam game ini dengan lebih jelas dan tentu saja, agar lebih menikmati game. Selain itu, kamu tidak akan mengganggu orang lain apabila menggunakan headset/headphone.

3. Jangan me-RESET data game! Sebab, apabila kamu me reset, kamu harus memainkan semuanya dari awal lagi. Perhatikan betul-betul sebelum kamu benar-benar ingin me reset data game.

4. Kalau kamu tidak terlalu suka horror, jangan memainkan game ini sendirian atau bahkan mungkin jangan memainkan game ini. Ada (cukup banyak) adegan kekerasan dan beberapa 'benda' yang bersifat distrubing.

Ingin memainkan game ini? Download dengan pergi ke sini :  (playstore) (iTunes) (apk. not test it yet)

atau kamu bisa mengunjungi playstore langsung dari smartphone-mu masing-masing dan ketikkan "Murder Room" pada bagain 'search' -w-)/
note: Game ini bersifat FREE download, namun apabila kamu ingin membeli COIN untuk bagian HINTS, maka kamu harus membayar -w-)/

Stuck di beberapa bagian? Ini ada website walktrough yang karin-chan rekomendasikan >w<)/ walktrough ini dibagi tiap-tiap chapter dan cukup mudah untuk dimengerti

Bagaimana saat karin-chan memainkan Murder Room??
Berapa lama?
This is karin-chan's "gameplay"

Okay, berawal dari

Thursday 25 June 2015

Download MP3 + Lyrics Kana Nishino-Distance

Yahoo~! Bulan Ramadhan sudah tiba >w<)/ Karin-chan mengucapkan Marhaban Ya Ramadhan teman-teman ^__^

entah apa ini(?) karin-chan numpang narsis yaa hehe

Lagu ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang sangat menyukai seseorang. Musiknya enak didengar. Karin-chan langsung suka. hihihi~!


Download?? KLIK link dibawah ini ya >w<


Lyrics Kana Nishino - Distance 

Credits lyrics belongs to


Naze na no nani shitemo
Kizukeba kimi no koto kangaeteru
I just don't know what to do

Kimi no kotoba hitotsu dake de
Mai agattari ochitsuitari shite
Watashi janai mitai
but you don't know how I feel

Thursday 11 June 2015

Download MP3 + Lyrics Masayume Chasing ( BoA )

Yay! >< Karin-chan kembali lagi! Btw, hari ini ayahanda karin-chan tercinta sedang berulang tahun. Omodetou daddy! ^__^  many happy returns, keep healthy and many more! We miss you sooo muuch dad~! >w<)/

Ok! Kali ini karin-chan akan membahas mengenai lagu opening Fairy Tail - Masayume Chasing. Karin-chan pertama kali dengar lagu ini si OSU! dan langsung sukaaa >w<)9 sooo~ langsung saja ya hehe

BoA - Masayume Chasing
( Opening 15 Fairy Tail)


Lyrics TV Size
(credits :

yume wo otte mayoikonda kokoro no mori no oku

kagami yori sunda izumi utsuru yuganda Smile

koboreta namida wa (Don’t Cry) kin demo gin demo nakute

arifureta namida (Fall From My Eyes) megami mo kizukanai

Masayume Chasing Chasing

koero motto jibun shijou saikou no
ima wo Chasing Chasing
sou egaita jibun ni natte moyase mune no hi wo

na na na na na na na Oh
na na na na na Hey Hey
na na na na na na na Oh
kakenukero Hero

na na na na na na na Oh

na na na na na Hey Hey
na na na na (Hey) na na na (Oh)
moyase mune no hi wo (My Life… Yeah)

Chasing a dream, you got lost in the deepest forest of your heart,

And in a fountain more reflective than a mirror, you saw your twisted smile.

The tears that fell… (Don’t Cry) were neither gold nor silver.

Those flowing tears… (Fall From My Eyes) of which even goddesses take no notice.

Friday 24 April 2015

Review The Last : Naruto The Movie ( Naruto The Movie 7)

yaps~! Hellaw! Karin-chan is back again. Kali ini karin-chan akan me review movie Naruto yang baru karin-chan tonton kemarin! (maaf di Lampung belum ada blitz megaplex, jadi gabisa nonton sesegera mungkin. lol)

Warning : SPOILER ALERT(sedikit)

Jika dibandingkan dengan movie movie Naruto sebelumnya, Naruto The Last adalah movie yang paling berbeda. Girls, you gonna love this movie for sure~! Kenapa? nanti akan karin-chan bahas! fufufu!

Naruto 2 tahun setelah perang menjadi sangat populer. Sangat banyak yang mengidolakan Naruto. Hal ini membuat Hinata menjadi ragu untuk memberikan syal merah yang dirajutnya sepenuh hati untuk Naruto. Kemudian... Misi menyelamatkan Hanabi Hyuuga menjadikan jalan menuju percintaan mereka.

Kekurangan dari The Last Naruto The Movie:

1. Karena movie ini terfokus pada percintaan Naruto dan Hinata, kamu tidak akan melihat perintaan karakter karakter lain. termasuk Sasuke dan Sakura.
2. Alur cinta yang terasa terlalu cepat.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Download mp3 + Lyrics Bright - Ichinen Nikagatsu Niijuuichi

Karin-chan is back again! Now karin-chan is fallin' love with new song. Karin-chan think many people love this song. Okay then.. as always, karin-chan will give the download link and also the lyrics~ >w<)/

And don't forget the credits if you going to copy-paste it! ;)


Ichinen Nikagatsu Niijuuichi

haru natsu aki huru kisetsu meguri kuru
naze naze koi niwa owari gaaruno
All“Ichinen Nikagetsu Hatsuka”
hontou niattoiu kan datta
kimi ni aete yokatta, suki ninatte yokatta
yasashi kushinaide sayonara
chanto ie nakunacchaukara
gomen nante ayamara naide
dakara nee hayaku hayaku hayaku
nai chau mae ni …

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Review Anime Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso (Your Lies In April)

Hallo! Karin-chan is here!
Yep! Karin-chan will review Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso(Your Lie In April)

karin-chan will use indonesian language now.

Anime ini ber genre Musical(classical music)
Untuk yang suka perpaduan suara manis piano dan alunan lembut biola, anime ini adalah salah satu tontonan wajib.
Anime ini juga ber genre drama dan romance. Perpaduan yang sangat tepat bukan? hihihi~


Cerita diawali dengan seorang siswa SMP bernama Arima Kousei, sang pianis jenius. Namun, ia kini tidak bermain piano lagi dikarenakan trauma mendalam mengenai ibunya, yang membuatnya tidak dapat "mendengar" suara piano yang ia mainkan.

Kemudian, berkat Tsubaki Tsawabe(teman dekat Arima Kousei) mengenalkan Arima Kousei dengan seorang perempuan bernama Miyazono Kaori, yang ternyata adalah seorang pemain biola yang unik. Arima Kousei mulai tersentuh dengan permainan Miyazono Kaori. Namun, Miyazono Kaori menyukai Ryota Watari, yang juga adalah sahabat Arima Kousei. Hari berlalu, kemudian berkat Miyazono Kaori, Kousei mulai bermain piano kembali. Walaupun ia masih merasakan trauma mendalam. Namun, perlahan-lahan ia menemukan semangat baru untuk bermain piano .

Ternyata, alasan Miyazono Kaori bersemangat mengajak Kousei kembali bermain piano adalah..
Mari tonton Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso untuk mengetahui kelanjutan ceritanya!! ^o^)/


Sebenarnya, anime ini sangat "sederhana". Namun, berkat penyampaian yang manis, anime ini menjadi cukup booming untuk kategori anime musiman. Hal yang karin-chan sukai dari anime ini adalah keselarasan antara musik dan animasi yang bagus. Sebenarnya musik yang diputar pada saat para pianis atau pemain biola sedang bermain terdengar biasa saja, namun berkat animasi yang pas. Penonton dapat menjadi merinding saat menonton adegan musik yang sedang berlangsung.

Pada saat ending, karin-chan menangis T3T 2x berturut-turut. lol
Karin-chan love this anime! X'3

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso

1. Alur yang sangat mudah ditebak

Monday 23 February 2015

Shall We Date?: Magic Sword All Character Walkthrough ( Ethan, Estel , Ray)

karin-chan is back with Shall We Date?: Magic Sword walkthru :3
this game is really good so far. the art is pretty nice and the character is handsome too ^o^)/ ahahah~
well. but be carefull. karin-chan think this game is for 18+ ><)/ so please be careful if you are underage, okay?

1. Ethan 

Sweet ending

1. Continue

2. Drink just a little
3. Didn't think of weird food.
4. Help out?
5. The more people, the better
6. Make an excuse
7. Don’t make fun of me
8. I’m sorry
9. I was surprised
10. Feel his forehead
11. We should stay together
12. I won’t do anything foolish
13. So embarrassing
14. Get him some water
15. Why are you apologizing?
16. Ethan, you’ll ride with me, won’t you?
17. Tell him you’re reassured.
18. Don’t sacrifice yourself
19. We’ll drink at the castle
20. of course I do

Happy ending:

1. Continue
2. Drink just a little
3. Didn’t think of weird food
4. Help out?
5. The more people, the better
6. Turn your face away
7. I’m getting angry
8. I’m sorry
9. Of course not
10. Look even more closely
11. We should stay together
12. I’m not going to die
13. So embarrassing.
14. Put him to bed
15. Just leave me alone!
16. Ethan, you’ll ride with me, won’t you?
17. Tell him you’re reassured.
18. Don’t sacrifice yourself
19. That might be a good idea
20. I’m nervous

Normal ending:

1. That’s a different matter.
2. Drink it yourself
3. Didn’t think of weird food
4. Leave them alone
5. Better at fighting
6. Turn your face away
7. I’m getting angry
8. I can fight too
9. Of course not
10. Look even more closely
11. Don’t be silly
12. I’m not going to die
13. I’m fine alone
14. Put him to bed
15. Just leave me alone!
16. Won’t two people per dragon be dangerous?
17. I want to retrieve it myself
18. I’ll settle this for sure!
19. That might be a good idea
20. Of course I do

2. Estel 

Sweet ending:

  1. You’re still same person.
  2. Leave him alone for now.
  3. I think you’re wonderful
  4. Don’t they dislike me
  5. Not at all
  6. Sorry to worry you
  7. Let’s stay out a bit longer…
  8. But it does concern me.
  9. Can’t the law be changed?
  10. Yes, I’m sorry
  11. Stop Estel
  12. Were you offended?
  13. I can cook a little
  14. What a relief…
  15. Later, when we alone
  16. I think we will win
  17. I have a plan

Friday 30 January 2015

Download mp3 + Lyrics Opening Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Hikaru Nara" (光るなら, If You Will Shine) by Goose house

Hellooo! Karin-chan is back again! ^o^)/
Karin-chan really love this song x'D karin-chan fallin love with this song first after that karin-chan watch the anime. 

This song is really powerfull and full of dreams. The Goose House really sing well and karin-chan really love it! nyaaahhh~~ *love love love* LOL

Uhm. Okay, if you want to download the song, come here:
Download Hikaru Nara- Goose House karin-chan blog ^o^

Hikaru Nara" (光るなら, If You Will Shine) by Goose house


Song / 曲: Hikaru Nara / 光るなら / If You Will Shine
Artist / 歌手: goose house
Anime / アニメ: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso / 四月は君の嘘
Description: Opening Song


雨上がりの虹も 凜と咲いた花も 色づき溢れ出す
茜色の空 仰ぐ君に あの日 恋に落ちた
消えないよ 心に刻むから 

君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた
暗闇も光るなら 星空になる
悲しみを笑顔に もう隠さないで
煌めくどんな星も 君を照らすから

眠りも忘れて迎えた朝日が やたらと突き刺さる
低気圧運ぶ頭痛だって 忘れる 君に会えば
全身に巡るよ 君の声

君だよ 君なんだよ 笑顔をくれた 
涙も光るなら 流星になる
傷付いたその手を もう離さないで 
願いを込めた空に 明日が来るから 

導いてくれた 光は 君だよ
つられて僕も 走り出した
知らぬ間に クロスし始めた
ほら 今だ ここで 光るなら

君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた 暗闇は終わるから

君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた 
暗闇も光るなら 星空になる
悲しみを笑顔に もう隠さないで
煌めくどんな星も 君を照らすから

きっと2人を動かす 光になるから 


ameagari no niji mo rin to saita hana mo irozuki afuredasu
akaneiro no sora aogu kimi ni ano hi koi ni ochita
shunkan no DORAMACHIKKU FIRUMU no naka no hito KOMA mo
kienai yo kokoro ni kizamu kara

kimi da yo kimi nanda yo oshiete kureta
kurayami mo hikaru nara hoshizora ni naru
kanashimi wo egao ni mou kakusanai de
kirameku donna hoshi mo kimi wo terasu kara

Friday 2 January 2015

Mike Jones 4th Story - 8th Story Walkthrough

I don't own the walkthrough .w.)v


Episode 1
Why not?

!!Secret Story : 30 LP!!

Episode 2
That you would think about the shop

Episode 3
I should have turned Jake down more directly

Episode 4

Episode 5
It doesn't have anything to do with you

Episode 6
Mike is my everything

Episode 7
(I should apologize...)

Episode 8
...I'm only strong because of you

!!Secret Story : 250 LP!!

Episode 9
I'm glad we came

Episode 10
But, you and Johannes are different.

Episode 11
Johannes would never do something like that!

Episode 12
Mike will come up with something.

Episode 13
It's full of love

Episode 14
What about a bag?

!!Secret Story : 500 LP!!

Episode 15
I didn't want to interfere with your work

Episode 16
We'll make lots of new memories

Episode 17
I'm sure this is all some kind of mistake

Episode 18
...Everything's fine

Episode 19
Never Mind

Episode 20
Mike isn't that sort of person

Episode 21
I bet Mike is home by now


[Chapter 1]
Not me (50 points)

[Chapter 2]
It's all thanks to Mike (50 points)

[Chapter 3]
(... you promised me) (50 points)

Review + Karin chan's favorite guy in Otome Game - Forbidden Love Dating Sim

aye! Karin-chan is back again. One week free or you can call it Holliday period~ xD ahahahah. But start from 5th January Karin-chan will fight at exam session T3T wish me luck!
AASHAGSAHSGAHSGA *already fangirling*. this is fanart by karin-chan

okay~ This time karin-chan will review Forbidden Love(Kindan Love) dating sim by VERYGOOD.Inc or Accela.Inc

As long as karin-chan update until 3 january 2015, the routes available in Forbidden Love is:

1.Mike Jones (1st-8th story)
2Johannes Gilbert(1st-3rd story)
3. Tom Nicholson
4. Ryan McHenry
5. Robert Philip (1st and 2nd story) *OMG! OMG! ROBEEERTTTT!* ehm
6. Mathew Jones
7. William Taylor
8.Jack Taylor

This is not including event scenario .w.)v

They japanese name .w.

Hmm.. Let's see..
Let karin-chan introduce you first about this game. This is a regular otome games on android or ios. Because this game is free, so it's using daily ticket system. If you want to read more story but have no ticket, you must purchase the tickets with coin. Which you can get it free or buy coins with real money(huge amount of coins of course).
And same like the other otome games, we'll get an avatar. Your first avatar will be really plain so you can't (or at least me) hold yourself to change the appearance! ahaha..
The good thing with this otome game is they are focusing on one main character (Mike Jones). They always updating Mike's sequel after his sequel after his sequel. LOL. So, if you love the main character this is such a paradise!! ^O^)/
They are also updating the other character story(but slow!) like Johannes and Robert.
And of coursee~ Almost once in two month(or once in a month) they are holding an event and the event is really fun! You can get new look (but you need coins o course). I like event~ xD ahahahah
But the lack in this game is soooo small amount of CG's! T__T huweeeee... i don't know why they are so rarely making cg's.. Karin-chan and friend already spamming the server.. And.. tadaaahh~ YOU SEE!!!?? ROBERT!! KYAAAAHH!! *cough*

new app logo. OMG! He looks so HOT!

Now, after the intro. Let karin-chan introduce you, karin-chan's favorite boy in otome game!!!
Robert Philip

robert philip with megane and no megane. both looks so great!! :*

At first, karin-chan fallin love with Mike. But suddenly when The Event Collection is coming and karin-chan play Robert's Collection. Suddenly karin-chan fallin love with Robert!!! KYAAAH!