Thursday 30 January 2014

Forbidden Love Dating Sim - Robert Main Story Walkthrough

this time, i will give you Robert Philip Walkthrough main story~!
I start fallin' with Robert when i played Forbidden Campus Event (the event still remain until February 05 2014)

In this event, Robert is a school doctor~! He's really sweet and gentle. I  love him!

Special thanks to: Azusa-san

Robert's Main Story 1 Walkthrough
(Every answer below will increase your love meter by 50)

-Story 1-

Episode 1
You are great
Episode 2
I finished working
Episode 3
I want to help you
Episode 4
Can't I please help?
*Secret Story : 150 LP
Episode 5
It's nothing
Episode 6

Thursday 23 January 2014

Download mp3 + Lirik Lunafly Cantik (Cover Kahitna)

Annyeong hasseo! :D
Miyazaki Karin here~!!!
Karin-chan lagi demam lagu ini! Lagunya keren banget. Apalagi di cover sama Lunafly. Bikin lagu ini makin keren!

Personil Lunafly yang paling karin-chan suka itu adalah Teo. Soalnya selain tamvan, dia juga keliatan ramah dan friendly gitu~ Dia juga moe dan rada shota. tehehe! :d

Wanna hear the song??

Lunafly- Cantik
(cover kahitna)
original post by

 Ingin rasa hati berbisik 
Untuk melepas keresahan 


 Bukan ku ingin mengganggumu 
Tapi apa arti merinduSelalu... 

Walau mentari terbit di utara
 Hatiku hanya untukmu...

Ada hati yang termanis dan penuh cinta
Tentu saja kan kubalas seisi jiwa 
Tiada lagi 
Tiada lagi yang ganggu kita
Ini kesungguhan  
Sungguh aku sayang kamu

.Bukan kuingin mengganggumu 
Tapi apa arti merindu

Walau mentari terbit di utara 
Hatiku hanya untukmu...

Ada hati yang termanis dan penuh cinta 
Tentu saja kan kubalas seisi jiwa 
Tiada lagi 
Tiada lagi yang ganggu kita
 Ini kesungguhan 
Sungguh aku sayang kamu

Ingin ku berjalan menyusuri cinta
 Cinta yang abadi untukmu selamanya... 
Heeeei..... heya ya ya heya ya ya heya...

Ada hati yang termanis dan penuh cinta
 Tentu saja kan kubalas seisi jiwa 
Tiada lagi
 Tiada lagi yang ganggu kita
 Ini kesungguhan 
Sungguh aku sayang kamu

Notes: Karin-chan belum menemukan .mp3 original Lunafly-Cantik. Jadi, lagu Lunafly Cantik disini adalah lagu hasil convert dari video, thanks for reading.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Mizuki Fujisaki My Sweet Bodyguard for GREE Walkthrough

Hi there ^^

This time, Karin-chan will present Mizuki Fujizaki from My Sweet Bodyguard for GREE.. I reccomend you this game! So cute and lovely. The graphics is really good. And the avatar is so cute! The character is also cool! All of them!
I'm really confused when Mr.Katsuragi ask me to choose only one bodyguard. I want choose 2 or 3.. >^< I want Sora, Subaru and Mizuki.. I'm so confused. But finally, i choose Mizuki and i have NO regrets choosing him! 

Mizuki Fujisaki
This is Sora. He's cute!
Do you know who is she? I mean.. He? :D wkwk

He's so kind and sweet. Also strong. And.. He's an ex-popstar! #oops sorry for spoiler hehe

Ooops >___<)a
Too much talking!
Well, This is the walkthrough -w-)/
Special thanks to:Kokoro Cafe

Mizuki Fujisaki Walkthrough 

Your Beginning Rank: C  
Final Rank: S

Chapter 1

Sorry for saying something so odd

Stay quiet

Get: New BG Gacha - What Sort Of Room Would Mizuki Like?

Sweet Route: Undercover Style Set (5,000 ender/250 coins)

Normal Route: Soft Fishbone Braid Hairdo (2,400 ender)

Sweet Route: Letter, Mushroom Table
Normal Route:

Sunday 12 January 2014

Cosplay itu mahal? Cosplay harus Epic? Read This!

Karin-chan ingin memperingatkan.. This is MY PERSONAL OPINION.. Terserah mau pro atau kontra ^o^)v Karin-chan enjoy aja. Tapi, kata-katanya mohon diresapi yaa.. -w-

Kali ini, karin-chan akan membahas beberapa problematika yang terdapat di antara para cosplayer, fans, dan lainnya.. Enjoy..

Oke, mari kita mulai pembahasannya -O-)7
Beberapa orang bilang begini "cosplay itu hobi yang mahal, memakan banyak biaya" "cosplay itu hobi untuk orang-orang kaya" "cosplay itu harus pake barang-barang ORI dan berkualitas internasional" dan bla bla bla bla..

Memang, pendapat mereka tidak 100% salah. Tapi, yang perlu dipertanyakan adalah ini:

1. Cosplay itu hobi yang mahal
Semahal apa? Semahal limousin?

2.Cosplay itu hobi untuk orang-orang kaya
Jadi? Yang miskin ga boleh cosplay?

Mereka bilang begini~
"cosplay itu tuh mahal. Buat beli wig, buat make up, buat bayar photograper, buat beli kostum, buat beli ini.. itu...totalnya bisa jutaan, "

Oh.. Plis deh. -___-
itu namanya diskriminasi.
Semua orang BISA cosplay. Semua orang berhak menyalurkan hobinya. Siapapun dia dan dimanapun dia.

Cosplay harus epic?
Epic itu relatif, sayang.. :) Dan lagi, membuat sebuah cosplay menjadi epic itu.. Ngga semudah makan bubur.. Perlu banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Termasuk kekuatan Photoshop :p

Positive Thinking Please ^o^

1. Cosplay NGGA HARUS mahaaalll
Be creative please.. Wig import mahal agar cosplay lebih keren? No. Wig lokal pun ngga kalah bagusnya kok :) .. Bisa menekan biaya kan? Kemudian.. Kostum.. Haruskah membeli kostum berjuta-juta agar cosplay terlihat epic? Ngga! Kita bisa kok membuat kostum sendiri, atau memesan di penjahit langganan.. Ada beberapa temen cosplayer karin-chan yang kostumnya handmade tangan mereka sendiri. Dan, cosplay mereka keren lho!

Untuk membuat cosplay epic, bahkan mungkin kalian hanya perlu make up dan outfit sederhana.. Sisanya, serahkan pada kekuatan Photoshop!


Karin-chan ngga mengatakan kalau Cosplay ngga butuh biaya.

Friday 10 January 2014

Forbidden Love Dating Sim - Mike 6th Story Walkthrough

Finally, the 6th Mike Story is released at 7th January 2014.. :D
And you knoww?? :D
I've already got the Walkthrough! XD
credit belongs to= Otome Games

Let's enjoy the story! ^o^)/

LOVE = Current Love Meter
Points = Increases to the Love Meter
CP = Capsule Points (Minigame)
Chapter 1
“…Thank you.” (50 points)
Chapter 2
…I understand. (50 points)
Secret Story

Toma Saji Contract Marriage Walkthrough

Allright.. I've already finish playing Soji Shirogane Routes.
Now, I want to play Toma Saji Route's..
So, i will give you Toma Saji walkthrough
Credit belongs to: Fathoms and friends

Soji Shirogane and Toma Saji

I will said~
This route is also amazing!
I get kissed by Saji in FIRST EPISODE!
Oh God!

This is The Walkthrough! :3

[All Best Answers Listed]
[5 Full CGs Linked]
Answers can increase Affection Level by 0, 1, 3, or 5 points. (Affection Level +5) is the best answer to contribute to any given Popularity Rating. Affection Level must be at least a certain amount to achieve scenes with CGs. If you do not have enough Platinum for the Keys to read the Extra Stories, they are still available after you replay the route.

Chapter 1: Marry to Help Someone?!
Shake off his hand.
Say no to him. (Affection Level +5)
Slap him.
Special Scenario
Required: 3+ Affection Level
Get CG
Why?! (Affection Level +5)
No way!
I don’t understand!
Push him away.
Resist him.
Give up. (Affection Level +5)
Married Couple’s Diary ★ Saji C01
Required: Toma DiaryKey#01 (150 Platinum)
Chapter 2: Marry by Threat?!
Remain silent. (Affection Level +5)
No, we aren’t.
I think so.
No, I don’t. (Affection Level +5)
I don’t know.
Don’t be so rough. (Affection Level +5)
Why are you doing this?
Special Scenario
Required: 30+ Affection Level
Married Couple’s Diary ★ Saji C02
Required: Toma DiaryKey#02 (150 Platinum)
Chapter 3: Becoming a Secret Wife
What are you talking about?
You would really allow me to have an affair?
I would never cheat. (Affection Level +5)
Greet him. (Affection Level +5)
Wait for him.
Even though we’re married? (Affection Level +5)
How about one of your fans?
A housekeeper should be fine.
Chapter 4: Competition Appears?!
et out of the bath.
Hide in the corner. (Affection Level +5)
Stop Toma.
Married Couple’s Diary ★ Saji C04
Required: Toma DiaryKey#04 (150 Platinum)
I can’t tell him.
Shake my head. (Affection Level +5)
I want to tell him, but…
Please come home early. (Affection Level +5)
You’ll be late tonight too?
Are you cheating?
Chapter 5: The Idol and Me

Sunday 5 January 2014

Be My Princess - Prince Wilfred A Spencer Walkthrough GREE

Special thanks to= Chiharu Yukihana
Credit belongs to=Kokoro Cafe

This is Prince Wilfred A Spencer Walkthrough for GREE version

*To obtain at least a Rank B for prologue

Politely decline
That crest…
Your gown is beautiful
Red Wine
Stay with Roberto
I’ll be fine on my own
Thank you again for before
Give your honest opinion

Sweet Route:
A spread about Joshua

Saturday 4 January 2014

prince Wilfred A Spencer Walkthrough

Well.. This walkthrough i got from OtomeSweetheart! >//<

I write in rush. So please forgive Karin-chan if there is any mistakes

Prince Wilfred Happy End
Episode 1
B:  Call out to Claude.
A:  Prince Wilfred.
Episode 2
A:  Yes, I like it a lot.
B:  Stay in Prince Wilfred’s office.
Episode 3
B:  Do you not like carrots?
B:  Return to my bedroom.
Episode 4
A:  Is there anything I can do?
B:  Take a peek at the living room.
Episode 5
B:  I would love to.
B:  Keep quiet.
Episode 6
B:  I want to stay like this a little longer…
B:  Ask about Stephen.
Episode 7
B:  I will!
A:  Call out to Prince Wilfred.
Episode 8
B:  Accept Prince Wilfred’s hand.
A:  The flowers don’t seem as vibrant today.
Episode 9

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan cowok OTAKU ( Indonesia )

#Miya_miya alias Karin-chan is here -A-)/
Kali ini karin-chan akan membongkar kelebihan dan kelemahan cowok OTAKU atau WOTA ata Weaboo dll berdasarkan survey dan penelitian yang Karin-chan dan team lakukan. XD
(keren ya bahasanya. wkwk)

Oke, survey ini dilakukan secara diam-diam terhadap 90 orang cowok di social media (facebook , twitter, etc) dan 25 orang cowok di dunia real.
Kami melakukan obrolan ringan, stalking dan beraneka cara agar bisa mengorek informasi mengenai mereka secara rahasia tentunya. Hasil yang kami dapatkan cukup beragam, namun pada dasarnya hampir sama.
Ini yang kalian bayangkan, girls?

Buat cewee.. 
Terutama cewek-cewek OTAKU yang mau punya pacar OTAKU jugaa.. Must READ THIS! ^o^

Kekurangan cowok OTAKU:
original by

1.Umumnya pemalu, bahkan ada beberapa yang sangat pemalu. Ini sekitar 70%.

2.Beberapa dari cowok OTAKU kurang peka dan bingung saat berhadapan dengan perempuan.

3Jika kamu bukan seorang OTAKU atau Anime Lovers, dan si dia adalah OTAKU atau Wota dkk.. Kemungkinan besar kalian akan susah mengobrol.

4.Umumnya cowok OTAKU jarang berinteraksi ke dunia luar. Mereka lebih memilih berdiam diri dalam kamar bersama komputer dan internet.

5.Beberapa cowok OTAKU terkadang bersikap aneh di dunia nyata.

6.Beberapa cowok OTAKU terkadang memuja hobinya secara berlebihan.

7.Umumnya cowok OTAKU beraninya ngomong banyak lewat chat, sms, line, wechat, bbm dll ketimbang saat berhadapan langsung.

8.Beberapa cowok OTAKU sangat boros dengan uang. Untuk membeli marchendise anime atau game atau album idol original atau dll yang harganya selangit. Kadang, mereka juga membeli produk KW. 

9.Kebanyakan cowok OTAKU sering menganggap orang" lebay atau alay. Padahal, jika dilihat-lihat. Mereka sendiri termasuk dalam kategori alay menengah sampai alay tingkat tinggi.

10.Umumnya cowok OTAKU memiliki khayalan yang tinggi, tapi kebanyakan malas untuk menggapainya. Hanya sebatas berkhayal saja.

11.Umunya cowok OTAKU sangat jarang narsis.

12.Pada kasus OTAKU parah, mereka menjadi antisosial.

Waaahhhh! Kelemahannya banyak bangeet! Gamau ah pacaran sama cowok OTAKU!!
Eiittsss.. Sabar dulu. ^o^)/
Ayo baca ini dulu!

Kelebihan cowok OTAKU:
original by


Thursday 2 January 2014

Be My Princess - Prince Wilfred E. Spencer Walkthrough

Yahoo -O-)/
#miya_miya alias Karin-chan is here!
Be My Princess - Ah! Pangeranku paling depan :'D

Aku suka game yang satu ini -w-)/
berasa jadi tuan putri bangeeettt ><
Sebetulnya, aku belum memilih Pangeran yang mana. tapi, aku udah memutuskan! Aku akan memilih Pangeran Wilfred XD
>heboh sendiri :'(
Oh GOD! nosebleed

Oke, walaupun karin-chan belum main >^<
Nih, karin-chan kasih Walkthrough nya Prince Wilfred.. 
Special thanks to Otome Nights ;)

Chapter 1:
* Call out to Prince Wilfred.
* Wills.

Chapter 2:
* Yes, I like it a lot.
* Stay in Prince Wilfred’s office.

Chapter 3:
* Do you not like carrots?
* Return to my bedroom.

Chapter 4:
* Is there anything I can do?
* Take a peek at the living room.

Chapter 5:
* I would love to.
* Keep quiet.

Chapter 6:
* I want to stay like this a little longer…
* Ask about Stephen.

Chapter 7:
* Is it all right for me to go?
* Call out to Prince Wilfred.